The approach taken by this study reflects both the development of the CLT sector in international jurisdictions, whereby local objectives and conditions have shaped the ways in which CLTs have evolved. While there is no singular CLT model, the sector is united by its driving concern for the local articulation of perpetual affordability and community benefit. Consideration of the CLT twin objectives in the NT highlighted interest among Town Camp communities in Alice Springs and identified the core tasks of capturing local aspirations and concerns as a vital first step, alongside legal review of the possibility of long-term leasing under community control on Town Camps and the collection of stakeholder perspectives on Town Camp housing.' Introduction,
AHURI Final Reports is a refereed series presenting the results of original research to a diverse readership of policy-makers, researchers and practitioners.,
Table of contents
Executive summary -- Introduction -- Research methodology -- New South Wales case study context and process -- New South Wales case study findings -- NT case study context and process -- Alice Springs Town Camps housing aspirations and experiences -- Alice Springs Town Camps tenure and opportunities for a 99 year leasehold CLT model -- Lessons for implementing CLT housing -- Policy implications and conclusions -- References -- Appendices 1-8,
Aboriginal Australians,
Socio-economic factors,
Indigenous housing,
Home ownership,
Town camps,
Northern Territory Emergency Response,