Indigenous futures and sustainable development in Northern Australia: Towards a framework for full Indigenous participation in northern economic development. Discussion paper prepared for the Northern Australia Indigenous Experts Forum 19-21 June 2012.
Indigenous futures and sustainable development in Northern Australia: Towards a framework for full Indigenous participation in northern economic development. Discussion paper prepared for the Northern Australia Indigenous Experts Forum 19-21 June 2012.,
Made available via the Publications (Legal Deposit) Act 2004 (NT).,
This Discussion Paper is aimed at providing information and to assist delegates prepare for the workshop at Mary River. It is not intended to cover all issues, nor challenges that Indigenous people face in northern Australia’s complex future. Feedback on this paper is sought from the delegates and will be presented back to the Indigenous Experts Panel for consideration.,
Table of contents
Summary -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Indigenous livelihoods and regional development -- 3. Planning for Indigenous economic development -- 4. Review of native title and land rights law -- 5. Indigenous rights in (renewable) resources -- 6. Indigenous culture and economic development -- 7. Payment for environmental services (PES) -- 8. Devolution of statutory powers -- 9. Industry support -- 10. Piecemeal government investments -- 11. Priorities for policy change -- 12. Building an Indigenous Futures Framework -- 13. References -- ATTACHMENT 1,