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This report documents the land resources of Alroy Downs Station, occupying an area of 4232km2 on the southern region of the Barkly Tableland. The aim of this report is to assist with the land management decision making of the property. Twenty-five types of country (land units) have been identified and mapped, each described in terms of landform features, soil type and vegetation. The land management issues, especially for pastoral use and soil management, are described for each land unit type.,
Includes bibliographical references.,
Pastures -- Northern Territory -- Alice Springs Region (N.T.).,
Publisher name
Department of Lands, Planning and Environment, Natural Resources Division,
Place of publication
Alice Springs (N.T.),
Technical memorandum ; 96/1,
iii, 101 pages : colour illustrations and maps ; 30 cm.,
File type
Copyright owner
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Related links, [NTLIS Metadata Tool : Land Units of Alroy Downs Station],
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