Territory Stories
Territory Stories helps you to search digital and published collections about the
Northern Territory.
The interface makes it easier for you to search Library & Archives NT digital
collections including digital photographs, archival items, newspapers, books,
periodicals and collection and research guides about the Northern Territory.
Territory Stories also provides access to NT related content from other Australian
collecting institutions. Library & Archives NT is continuing to develop
partnerships with other collecting agencies to expand the scope of the material
available through Territory Stories – current sources are listed below.
Apart from access to collections, other key features of Territory Stories include:
- A more intuitive interface with improved search and sort functions
- The capacity to download Library & Archives NT digitised material in high resolution TIFF and JPEG format
- Improved displays of information about collection items
- Ability to provide additional information about collection items to Library & Archives NT using the email button on each record
- Ability to create cited posts for collection items to Facebook and Twitter
We are committed to improving your user experience and welcome feedback, via our
online form or
email. You can refer to the
release notes for functionality, known bugs and planned features.
Organisational Sources:
Legislative Assembly of the Northern Territory: Parliamentary record (debates, minutes, questions), tabled papers, media releases.
Library & Archives NT Digital Repository (Digital LANT): photographs, ebooks, reports, journals, newsletters, digitised maps, audio visual files, newspapers
Library & Archives LANT Discover LibrariesNT: Library catalogue entries for the Northern Territory Collection.
National and State Libraries of Australia, through TROVE:
- Libraries ACT: NT Photographs
- Libraries Tasmania: NT Photographs
- National Library of Australia: NT Photographs, Digitised papers published in the NT.
- State Library of New South Wales: NT Photographs
- State Library of Queensland: NT Photographs
- State Library of South Australia
- State Library of Victoria: NT Photographs
- State Library of Western Australia
Requesting Higher Resolution Images:
Images on Territory Stories are the highest resolution produced at the time of digitisation. You can request higher resolution images by clicking
Request A High Res Image in the download box or directly from the Copying Service.