This report presents information on ear and hearing health outreach services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people in the Northern Territory. The report presents data on the Indigenous children and young people who participated in the audiology, ear, nose and throat (ENT) teleotology and Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) services delivered under the National Partnership Agreement on Northern
Territory Remote Aboriginal Investment.,
The Australian Government funded these programs and the Northern Territory Government delivered them.,
Made available via the Publications (Legal Deposit) Act 2004 (NT).,
Table of contents
Introduction -- Preventive interventions and ear health promotion -- Audiology services -- Ear, nose and throat teleotology services -- Clinical Nurse Specialist services -- Ear conditions -- Special analyses: young people who exited the hearing health programs -- Appendix A-F -- Glossary -- References.,
Hearing disorders -- Northern Territory -- Statistics,
Aboriginal Australians -- Medical care -- Northern Territory,
Health - hearing,