Rural Darwin (NT) Case: Analysis of stakeholder interests in the ground water resources of the Howard East Aquifer
Rural Darwin (NT) Case: Analysis of stakeholder interests in the ground water resources of the Howard East Aquifer,
Other title
Collaborative water planning project,
Stakeholder analysis - Howard East case study May 2009,
Analysis of stakeholder interests in the ground water resources of the Howard East Aquifer,
Nolan, Sharna,
CSIRO. Sustainable Ecosystems,
Howard East Aquifer,
'This report aims to give water planners a better understanding of the needs and attitudes of stakeholders in the Howard East region. Based on the results of over 35 stakeholder and agency interviews, it informs researchers and water planners of the range of issues and concerns affecting stakeholders regarding water resources and indicates the interests and needs of specific groups to participate in the forthcoming HEWAC. NRETAS’ water planners have been consulted extensively throughout this process. The analysis has assisted NRETAS’ to finalise the membership of the HEWAC and informed regional communication and engagement strategies.' - Project introduction,
Logo on cover: Australian Government Water Fund. Raising National Water Standards -- CSIRO -- Griffith University -- Track - Tropical Rivers and Coastal Knowledge.,
Made available via the Publications (Legal Deposit) Act 2004 (NT).,
Table of contents
Executive summary -- Project introduction -- Methods: defining stakeholders in the Howard East -- Describing stakeholders in the Howard East Water Allocation Planning Area -- Measuring stakeholder experience and interest in planning processes -- Issues over water management in the Howard East Aquifer: key findings -- Delving deeper: prioritising issues of concern among stakeholders -- Issues raised by Howard Springs residents in other CSIRO workshops -- Main themes to emerge from stakeholder key issues analysis -- Stakeholder knowledge gaps: areas of interest to stakeholders -- Stakeholder needs assessment -- Summary of stakeholder recommendations for initiating HEWAC -- Summary and conclusions for stakeholder analysis -- References -- Annex A: Questionnaires, information pack and consent forms.,
Groundwater systems,
Urban and rural water needs,
Rules and regulations,
Recreational users,
Environment groups,
Publisher name
Tropical Rivers and Coastal Knowledge in collaboration with Land and Water Australia,