A population approach to early childhood services: implementation for outcomes
A population approach to early childhood services: implementation for outcomes,
Other title
Topical paper commissioned for the public consultations on the Northern Territory Early Childhood Plan.,
Robinson, G.,
Silburn, S. R.,
Arney, F.,
Northern Territory. Department of Education and Training,
Menzies School of Health Research,
Early Childhood Series No. 3 2011,
"This paper outlines the rationale and features of strategies to support early child development that are effective in improving outcomes for the whole population. A population approach aims to monitor and improve the health, educational and social outcomes of the population as a whole. It can be a part of efforts to reduce inequalities between groups within the population and has a strong focus on the social determinants of health and educational success. A population approach utilises indicators to measure the health and wellbeing of the population, as well as to inform policy decisions and the public about progress. The research is clear that early childhood development plays a key role in many life outcomes, so it is important that the wellbeing of the NT‟s children is carefully monitored and that effective strategies to improve outcomes for all children are adopted." - Executive summary,
This publication was produced on behalf of the Department of Education and Training by the Menzies School of Health Research.,
Made available via the Publications (Legal Deposit) Act 2004 (NT),
This publication contains many links to external sites. These external sites may no longer be active.,
Table of contents
Executive summary -- What is meant by a population approach -- Multiple determinants of population outcomes -- Services to improve outcomes at a population level -- Population approach for early childhood in the NT -- Bibliography.,
Child development,
Aboriginal Australians,
Early childhood education,
Services for children,