Made available via the Publications (Legal Deposit) Act 2004 (NT).,
"The Mobile Preschool Evaluation is a cohort comparison study of an alternative preschool service delivery model (Mobile Preschool Program) provided by the Northern Territory Department of Education. The three-year study was designed to evaluate the extent to which children’s participation in the innovative Mobile Preschool Program, developed by the Northern Territory Department of Education, would improve school readiness outcomes in comparison with children who did not participate in the program or who had had limited exposure to it. The study specifically aimed to quantify the impact of program availability, attendance and quality had on follow-up measures of developmental health and school readiness using the Australian Early Development Index ." - Executive summary,
This research was conducted with funding from the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC 545224) and in-kind support from the Northern Territory Department of Education, and the Department of Health and Families.,
Table of contents
Executive summary -- Introduction -- Mobile preschool program delivery in the NT -- Methodology -- Findings - General study outcomes - Understanding the Mobile preschool program as implemented - Primary research questions on the effectiveness of Mobile preschool - Multi-variate and multi-level models -- Discussion - Findings addressing the primary research questions - Program design assumptions and fidelity - Methodological issues -- Conclusions and recommendations -- Appendix A-C,
Government policy,
Children, Aboriginal Australians,
Publisher name
Menzies School of Health Research. The Centre for Child Development and Education,