Preservation needs assessment of the Northern Territory Library photgraphy collection
Preservation needs assessment of the Northern Territory Library photgraphy collection,
Lueth, Detlev,
Made available via the Publications (Legal Deposit) Act 2004 (NT).,
One of these NTL collections is the NTL Photographic Collection, which consists of an estimated 60,000 photographs relating to the Northern Territory that have either been donated or purchased by the NTL over the last 28 years. The collection provides a pictorial documentary record of the geographical, historical and social development of the Northern Territory. Subject areas include early Darwin history, Indigenous people of the Northern Territory, early Aboriginal contact with Europeans, the Northern Territory Chinese community, World War II, the pastoral industry, mining, railways, and the Northern Territory in the 1950s and 1960s. These areas complement and supplement other NTL collection holdings. - Executive summary,
Detlev Lueth is a conservator with a specialisation in photographic materials and is currently the Assistant Director for Preservation at the National Archives of Australia. This report was completed with the assistance
of Tim Smith, author of NTL heritage photo collection significance assessment report, Diana Richards Manager NTL Collections, Lynette Aitchison Manager NTL Heritage Services and Louise Paynter NTL Project Librarian.
The National Archives of Australia (NAA) is a partner in the Community Hertitage
Grant scheme operated by the National Library of Australia. This report has been
written independently of association with the NAA and recommendations made do
not represent the views of the NAA.,