This project had two main aims: 1. To integrate the knowledge that is being developed across the TRaCK program. 2. To use that integrated knowledge to deliver science into the management domain. Assisted by consultation with both internal and external stakeholders, the project has developed concepts, methods and tools that deliver such knowledge in the form of scenario evaluation capacity to a range of stakeholders, particularly in support of natural resource management.,
TRaCK brings together leading tropical river researchers and managers from Charles Darwin University, Griffith University, the University of Western Australia, CSIRO, James Cook University, the Australian National University, Geoscience Australia, the Environmental Research Institute of the Supervising Scientist, the Australian Institute of Marine Science, the North Australia Indigenous Land and Sea Management Alliance, and the Governments of Queensland, the Northern Territory and Western Australia. TRaCK receives major funding for its research through the Australian Government's Commonwealth Environment Research Facilities initiative; the Australian Government's Raising National Water Standards Program; Land and Water Australia; the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation and the Queensland Government's Smart State Innovation Fund.,
Made available via the Publications (Legal Deposit) Act 2004 (NT).,
Table of contents
Executive summary -- TRaCK program and project overview -- MSE Conceptual framework -- MSE Software application -- MSE in the Daly River Catchment -- MSE Daly models -- MSE Daly response models -- MSE Prototype demonstrations scenarios results -- Learning and conclusions -- References -- Appendix A - H -- Index.,