During these camps, Dukaladjarrandj is the ‘bush office’ from which Djelk does scientific and land management work including; Looking for, tracking and trapping animals and recording plant information to build up the story of what is living in this important area; Managing fire and feral animals; Taking care of and learning from bim (rock art) and other important sites; Giving Traditional Owners an opportunity to join the camp and share their skills and experience. - Page 2,
This project was supported by funding from the Australian Government’s Indigenous Protected Areas, Working on Country and National Environmental Research Programs. Logo on back cover: Bawinanga Caring for Country, National Environmental Research Program Northern Australia Hub, Northern Territory Government and Australia, Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities. The camp was held over 10 days from 15-24 May 2013.,
Made available via the Publications (Legal Deposit) Act 2004 (NT).,
Table of contents
Njaleken -The purpose of the camp -- Ngad-ngarri wokdi – We talked -- Information -- Our activities in 2013 -- When - Who - Where? -- Trapping for animals -- What did we find? -- Using camera traps -- What did we find on the cameras? -- Night walking -- Manwurrk – early burning -- Working with the men -- Bungul - Kunborrk -- Amazing rock art -- Bush food and art materials -- Sacred site visit -- Important things -- Species list -- Acknowledgements --,
Learning on country,
Conservation of natural resources,
Park rangers,
Aboriginal Australians,
Publisher name
Djelk Rangers,
Place of publication
[31] pages : colour illustrations, colour map, tables ; 21 x 30 cm,