Case management in non-government alcohol and other drug services: a practical toolkit
Case management in non-government alcohol and other drug services: a practical toolkit,
This toolkit was designed to alleviate some of these challenges by providing services with a suite of corepractice documents which have been modelled from best practice and validated stimulus. To encourage
a more consistent approach to case management practices in NT AOD services, organisations are encouraged to use the toolkit as is, or review their existing processes to develop practice documents that
incorporate both the best practice, validated stimulus utilised in this toolkit and any preferred or additional
materials that are necessary to their provision of services.,
Made available via the Publications (Legal Deposit) Act 2004 (NT).,
This toolkit is intended for all case workers who offer case management to clients presenting with problematic
substance use in the non-government AOD sector. Case workers should also use this toolkit within the
context of their position, ethical and legal equirements, organisational policies and the parameters of service
agreements with funding bodies.,
Made available via the Publications (Legal Deposit) Act 2004 (NT).,
Table of contents
Introduction -- Glossary of terms -- Understanding case management in non-government AOD services -- Working within a professional framework -- Case management in non-government AOD services -- References -- Appendices.,