This is the second Plan of Management for the Arltunga Historical Reserve. The first became operational on 7 March 1989 and was notified in the NT Government Gazette No G14 of 12 April 1989. This second Plan states the intent of the Parks and Wildlife Commission with regard to the management and conservation of Arltunga Historical Reserve for the next five to ten years. It sets out what has been achieved to date, establishes management objectives, addresses current issues and proposes appropriate measures to guide future development.,
This Plan of Management has been prepared by the Southern Office of the Strategic Planning and Development Unit, Parks and Wildlife Commission with extensive input from Eastern District Rangers. P. iv,
Table of contents
Summary -- Acknowledgements -- Introduction -- Zoning scheme -- Management of historical resources -- Management of natural resources -- Management for visitor use -- Reserve administration -- Management programs -- Bibliography -- Appendices 1-2,
National parks and reserves -- Northern Territory -- Arltung Historical Reserve -- Management,