Stream flow and water quality measurements were made along the reaches of the Katherine and Daly Rivers in early October 2013. The flow increases progressively downstream with a maximum flow measured of 33.1 cumecs at Mount Nancar in the Daly River. The results obtained illustrate the contribution of flows from the different aquifers and sub catchments towards the total runoff in the Daly River. The October 2013 stream flows are well above the average minimum flow from 1961 to 2012 at the individual monitoring sites. The stream flow measurements do indicate that there is a reduction in base flows over the last three years. Groundwater levels were not monitored during this period.,
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Groundwater -- Northern Territory -- Top End Region,
Hydrogeology -- Northern Territory -- Top End Region,
Stream measurements -- Northern Territory -- Top End Region,
Water quality -- Northern Territory -- Top End Region,
Publisher name
Northern Territory Government,
Place of publication
Technical Report ; 11/2013,
19 pages : illustrations and colour maps ; 30 cm.,