Territory Stories

The potential for groundwater use by vegetation in the Australian Arid Zone



The potential for groundwater use by vegetation in the Australian Arid Zone,


Northern Territory., Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Water Resources Division, Cook, Peter, Eamus, Derek,


E-Publications, E-Books, PublicationNT, 33/2018,




Ti Tree Basin, Western Davenport,


The Ti Tree Basin has been a focus of groundwater and vegetation studies for almost 20 years, and much of our knowledge of vegetation use of groundwater in central Australia is derived from the Ti Tree studies. These studies have applied most of the methods described above, including measurements of transpiration of individual trees (using sapflow sensors) ecosystem evapotranspiration (using eddy covariance and Bowen Ratio methods), analysis of soil water and leaf water potentials, water isotope (18O) analysis on soil water, groundwater and sapwood, carbon (13C) isotope measurements on sapwood and leaves, and leaf vein density studies.,

Table of contents

Executive Summary -- 1. INTRODUCTION -- 2. METHODOLOGIES TO INFER GROUNDWATER USE -- 2.1 Direct Measurements of Rooting Depth -- 2.2 Soil Water Potentials -- 2.3 Leaf and Soil Water Potentials -- 2.4 Stable Isotopes 2H and 18O -- 2.5 Depth of Water Use and Groundwater Access -- 2.6 Green Islands -- 2.7 Transpiration Rates -- 2.8 Tree Rings -- 2.9 Dendrometry -- 2.10 13C of Sapwood -- 3. GROUNDWATER AND VEGETATION IN THE TI TREE BASIN -- 3.1 Geography and Climate -- 3.2 Groundwater Resources -- 3.3 Vegetation Across the Ti Tree Basin -- 4. TI TREE BASIN GDE STUDIES -- 4.1 Transpiration and Evapotranspiration Rates -- 4.2 Soil Water Potentials -- 4.3 Leaf Water Potentials -- 4.4 Stable Isotopes -- 4.5 Sapwood 13C and Leaf Vein Density -- 5. OTHER ARID ZONE STUDIES -- 5.1 Rocky Hill -- 5.2 Pilbara, WA -- 6. OTHER AUSTRALIAN AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES -- 6.1 Global Rooting Depth Studies -- 6.2 Groundwater Use by Vegetation -- 6.3 Limiting Depths for Vegetation Access of Groundwater -- 7. CONCLUSIONS -- REFERENCES -- APPENDIX 1. MEASUREMENT OF WATER POTENTIAL -- APPENDIX 2. HYDRUS MODEL OF SOIL WATER FLOW -- APPENDIX 3. TI TREE VEGETATION SURVEY -- APPENDIX 4. GROUNDWATER USE BY VEGETATION IN AUSTRALIA,




Groundwater Dependent Ecosystem,

Publisher name

Northern Territory Government,

Place of publication





1 volume (various paging) : colour illustrations and maps ; 30 cm.,

File type


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