Territory Stories

Geology and mineral resources of the Northern Territory



Geology and mineral resources of the Northern Territory,


Munson, T. J, Johnston, K. J, Fuller, M. H, Ahmad, M, Scrimgeour, I. R, Close, D. F, Wygralak, A. S, Edgoose, C. J, Donnellan, N. C, Munson, T. J, Khan, M, Hollis, J. A, Glass, L. M, Vandenberg, L. C, Dunster, J. N, Kruse, P. D, Ahmad, M, Scrimgeour, I R, Close, D F, Wygralak, A S, Edgoose, C J, Donnellan, N C, Munson, T J, Khan, M, Hollis, J A, Glass, L M, Vandenberg, L C, Dunster, J N, Kruse, P D,

Issued by

Northern Territory Geological Survey, Northern Territory Geological Survey,


E-Publications, PublicationNT, E-Books, NTGS Special Publication,




Aileron Province, Amadeus Basin, Arafura Basin, Arnhem Province, Arunta Region, Birrindudu Basin, Bonaparte Basin, Canning Basin, Carpentaria Basin, Daly Basin, Davenport Province, Eromanga Basin, Fitzmaurice Basin, Georgina Basin, Halls Creek Orogen, Irindina Province, Kalkarindji Province, Lawn Hill Platform, McArthur Basin, Money Shoal Basin, Murphy Inlier, Murraba Basin, Musgrave Province, Ngalia Basin, Ord Basin, Pedirka Basin, Pine Creek Orogen, South Nicholson Basin, Tanami Region, Tennant Region, Tomkinson Province, Victoria Basin, Warramunga Province, Warumpi Province, Wiso Basin, Wolfe Basin,


Chapters can also be downloaded individually from separate catalogue records, see below., http://ntgs.shop033.com/ to purchase a printed copy., Click here for a list of single GNT chapters, Chapters can also be downloaded individually. Click on Geology and Mineral Resources of the Northern Territory in collections for available chapters., Chapters can also be downloaded individually from separate catalogue records, see below., Also available from GEMIS - Geoscience Exploration and Mining Information System,




Halls Creek Orogen, Eromanga Basin, Ord Basin, Murraba Basin, South Nicholson Basin, Kalkarindji Province, Arafura Basin, Pine Creek Orogen, Tanami Region, Irindina Province, Arunta Region, Musgrave Province, Warumpi Province, Canning Basin, Aileron Province, Victoria Basin, Georgina Basin, Fitzmaurice Basin, Birrindudu Basin, Murphy Inlier, Geology, Lawn Hill Platform, Carpentaria Basin, Tomkinson Province, Daly Basin, Wiso Basin, Davenport Province, McArthur Basin, Ngalia Basin, Money Shoal Basin, Arnhem Province, Pedirka Basin, Warramunga Province, Wolfe Basin, Tennant Region, Bonaparte Basin, Amadeus Basin,

Publisher name

Northern Territory Government, Northern Territory Government,

Place of publication



NTGS Special Publication,


No. 5,

File type



9780724572571, 9780724572571,


Attribution International 4.0 (CC BY 4.0),

Copyright owner

Northern Territory Government, Northern Territory Government,


https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/,

Related links

https://geoscience.nt.gov.au/gemis/ntgsjspui/handle/1/81446 [GEMIS], https://geoscience.nt.gov.au/gemis/ntgsjspui/handle/1/81432/simple-search?location=1%2F81432&query=&filter_field_1=type&filter_type_1=equals&filter_value_1=Book+Chapter&rpp=45&sort_by=dc.title_sort&order=ASC&submit_search=Update [For a list of single GNT chapters], https://geoscience.nt.gov.au/gemis/ntgsjspui/handle/1/81446, https://geoscience.nt.gov.au/gemis/ntgsjspui/handle/1/81446,

Parent handle

https://hdl.handle.net/10070/794424, https://geoscience.nt.gov.au/gemis/ntgsjspui/handle/1/81446,

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