Territory Stories

Letter from Cecil Cross



Letter from Cecil Cross,


Cross, Rod,


Territory Times Gone By, StoryNT,


Transcript: Brisbane 27/1/42 Dear Ted and Flora, Well we are on our way again after having a royal time in Sydney. I don’t think I have had such a great time for a long time. I imagine Mother was put out about me not going home but to tell the truth we couldn’t get the time off. If we left the ship at all we were to give a telephone number or an address where we could be picked up within a hour. If we went to a show or anything they had to know. Any way they found me out at the Cross last Sunday and I haven’t seen anything but the ship since. How does Ma’s box go. All right aye. I’m afraid you will have to admit it is better than yours. Ma is nuts over it. I never knew it was such a good one until I went home and had a good look at it. Have you got your suitcase yet. I imagine you could put a few books or bottles which ever the case may be in it. Are you still smoking chesterfield gaspers yet. I told Ma to give them to you. Have you heard the latest number. It is called “No more Swing” by Jock Strap & his elastic band. Don’t blush Flora. Next time you see me I may be wearing leutenant’s stripes. We have been taken over by the navy I have been told so if that is true we all get commissions. Take notice of the sketch of the sleeve. How does it look. Don’t tell anybody because it may be all baloney. There is nothing more I can write so will close From Your affectionate bro Cec Write to me c/o Burns Philp Darwin,


Letter provided by R. Cross for the Roll of Honour,

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