Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages Project,
Port Keats,
This material was collected by the Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages Project between 2013 and 2021. The project was led by Charles Darwin University in partnership with the Australian National University and the Northern Territory Government and funded in part by the Australian Research Council.,
Efforts have been made to identify and contact the person or people responsible for creating these materials to request permission to include them in this archive. If you have any concerns about materials being made public on this site, please contact us and we will remove the item from display until any concerns have been addressed.,
"Murrinh Ku Nenigut (The Goat Story) is an English folktale retold in Murrinh-patha (Murinbata) by Theodora Darrnanthi Narndu. Illustrations are used with the permission of Lily Bennett, from Bamyili, Northern Territory. It was prepared for publication by Lyn Street, Summer Institute of Linguistics, Australian Aborigines Branch.",