An assessment of resource requirements of the Northern Territory Police : final report
An assessment of resource requirements of the Northern Territory Police : final report,
Other title
Final Report : an assessment of resources requirements of the Northern Territory Police,
O'Sullivan Report,
O'Sullivan, James,
The Consultancy Bureau Pty Ltd,
Sponsored by
Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Services on behalf of the Northern Territory Government,
This report presents findings and recommendations arising from an assessment of police resources of the Northern Territory which was commissioned by the Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Services, the Hon. Paul Henderson, MLA on behalf of the Northern Territory Government pursuant to Terms of Reference established in March 2003.
The assessment was commissioned in response to community concerns about law and order issues, continuing public debate about the capacity of the Police Force to effectively deal with these issues, and strong representation from the Northern Territory Police Association concerned that the Police Force was insufficiently resourced to perform its role effectively.,
Made available by via Publications (Legal Deposit) Act 2004 (NT),
Table of contents
Executive Summary -- 1. Background -- 2. The Policing Context in the Northern Territory -- 3. The Northern Territory Police Force Establishment - Human Resources -- 4. Finance Resources -- 5. Workload, Resource Allocations and Outcomes Achieved -- 6. Results of Consultation with Community Groups and Significant Stakeholders -- 7. Submissions and Comments from Serving Police and Civilian Personnel -- 8. Addressing Attrition Rates in the Northern Territory Police Force -- 9. Resource Gaps and Requirements -- 10. Implementation -- Attachments,