Territory Stories

Social, Cultural and Economic (SCE) studies of the Strategic Regional Environment and Baseline Assessment (SREBA) for the Beetaloo Sub-basin



Social, Cultural and Economic (SCE) studies of the Strategic Regional Environment and Baseline Assessment (SREBA) for the Beetaloo Sub-basin,

Other title

SREBA Beetaloo Social, Cultural and Economic Studies baseline report, Social, Cultural and Economic (SCE) studies of the Strategic Regional Environment and Baseline Assessment (SREBA) for the Beetaloo Sub-basin - Appendix A - Aboriginal Knowledge Protocol, Social, Cultural and Economic (SCE) studies of the Strategic Regional Environment and Baseline Assessment (SREBA) for the Beetaloo Sub-basin - Appendix B1 - Indicators in the Katherine Community, Social, Cultural and Economic (SCE) studies of the Strategic Regional Environment and Baseline Assessment (SREBA) for the Beetaloo Sub-basin - Appendix B2 Indicators in Mataranka Community, Social, Cultural and Economic (SCE) studies of the Strategic Regional Environment and Baseline Assessment (SREBA) for the Beetaloo Sub-basin - Appendix B3 Indicators in Borroloola Community, Social, Cultural and Economic (SCE) studies of the Strategic Regional Environment and Baseline Assessment (SREBA) for the Beetaloo Sub-basin - Appendix B4 - Indicators in Elliott Community, Social, Cultural and Economic (SCE) studies of the Strategic Regional Environment and Baseline Assessment (SREBA) for the Beetaloo Sub-basin - Appendix B5 Indicators in Tennant Creek Community, Social, Cultural and Economic (SCE) studies of the Strategic Regional Environment and Baseline Assessment (SREBA) for the Beetaloo Sub-basin - Appendix B6 Indicator in Larrimah Community, Social, Cultural and Economic (SCE) studies of the Strategic Regional Environment and Baseline Assessment (SREBA) for the Beetaloo Sub-basin - Appendix C - Cultural Practices in Water, Social, Cultural and Economic (SCE) studies of the Strategic Regional Environment and Baseline Assessment (SREBA) for the Beetaloo Sub-basin - Appendix D - Indicators and Data,


Witt, K, Lewis, G, Fredericks, B, Jezierski, P, Jessup, L, Zhang, H, Keenan, J,


E-Publications, E-Books, PublicationNT, SREBA reports,






The Social, Cultural and Economic (SCE) studies of the Strategic Regional Environment and Baseline Assessment (SREBA) for the Beetaloo Sub-basin report includes an outline of the approach, challenges and limitations, high level key findings based on qualitative and quantitative data, strategic insights and recommendations. Appendices to the summary report include the Aboriginal Knowledge Protocol developed for the study, the list of data and the full set of survey questions. The SCE SREBA draws on publicly available indicators and data from reputable sources such as the Australian Bureau of Statistics Census data, NTG data, Medicare, and Commonwealth government data. Indicators in themselves cannot tell the full story of complex adaptive systems such as communities and so this study relied on high levels of participation by the Beetaloo region residents, businesses, pastoralists, and stakeholder groups., Appendix C - Cultural practices in water reports on research and engagement with people in and connected to the Beetaloo region in relation to the importance of water and its connection to Aboriginal culture. This research was undertaken as part of the Social, Cultural and Economic studies of the Strategic Regional Environmental and Baseline Assessment (SREBA)., This Protocol lays the foundation for building cooperative relationships and trust between the UQ researchers and research contractors, and Aboriginal participants in the Social, Cultural and Economic (SCE) study. This study is one of 6 study domains in the Strategic Regional and Environmental Assessment (SREBA) Framework. A key purpose of the SCE Study is to ensure that Aboriginal knowledge holders and community residents in the region have the opportunity to share their perspectives, and voice what is important to them in relation to future developments in the region. The themes and indicators chosen to measure change over time have to be meaningful for these peoples of the region, beginning with the question “what's it like living in the region [of the Beetaloo Basin] now”? Aboriginal knowledge shared for this study can enhance understanding of the potential impacts of development projects and lead to improved outcomes for both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people in the region. Cultural knowledge that is provided, will play an important role in project design, Environment Management Plans, and regulatory approvals by the EPA, as detailed in the SREBA Framework. It is important that there are parameters placed around what defines ‘Aboriginal knowledge' for the purposes of the SCE. In defining or detailing components of Aboriginal culture that may be recorded for the purposes of this study clear ‘pathways' are defined that address how researchers respond to or treat this information when offered. Likewise, this Protocol outlines the rights and interests of the Aboriginal Knowledge holders in relation to the ways in which their knowledge will be respected and managed., Research undertaken as part of the Social, Cultural and Economic studies of the Strategic Regional Environmental and Baseline Assessment (SREBA) was used to generate individual community profiles for the six communities of interest: Katherine, Mataranka, Borroloola, Elliott, Tennant Creek and Larrimah. Katherine Community profile contain geographically specific and where possible longitudinal data presented as charts, along with narratives from interviews and surveys. The data and charts for each indicator along with original source are included in the accompanying Excel spreadsheets, Research undertaken as part of the Social, Cultural and Economic studies of the Strategic Regional Environmental and Baseline Assessment (SREBA) was used to generate individual community profiles for the six communities of interest: Katherine, Mataranka, Borroloola, Elliott, Tennant Creek and Larrimah. Mataranka Community profile contain geographically specific and where possible longitudinal data presented as charts, along with narratives from interviews and surveys. The data and charts for each indicator along with original source are included in the accompanying Excel spreadsheets, Research undertaken as part of the Social, Cultural and Economic studies of the Strategic Regional Environmental and Baseline Assessment (SREBA) was used to generate individual community profiles for the six communities of interest: Katherine, Mataranka, Borroloola, Elliott, Tennant Creek and Larrimah. Borroloola Community profile contain geographically specific and where possible longitudinal data presented as charts, along with narratives from interviews and surveys. The data and charts for each indicator along with original source are included in the accompanying Excel spreadsheets, Research undertaken as part of the Social, Cultural and Economic studies of the Strategic Regional Environmental and Baseline Assessment (SREBA) was used to generate individual community profiles for the six communities of interest: Katherine, Mataranka, Borroloola, Elliott, Tennant Creek and Larrimah. Elliott Community profile contain geographically specific and where possible longitudinal data presented as charts, along with narratives from interviews and surveys. The data and charts for each indicator along with original source are included in the accompanying Excel spreadsheets, Research undertaken as part of the Social, Cultural and Economic studies of the Strategic Regional Environmental and Baseline Assessment (SREBA) was used to generate individual community profiles for the six communities of interest: Katherine, Mataranka, Borroloola, Elliott, Tennant Creek and Larrimah. Tennant Creek Community profile contain geographically specific and where possible longitudinal data presented as charts, along with narratives from interviews and surveys. The data and charts for each indicator along with original source are included in the accompanying Excel spreadsheets, Research undertaken as part of the Social, Cultural and Economic studies of the Strategic Regional Environmental and Baseline Assessment (SREBA) was used to generate individual community profiles for the six communities of interest: Katherine, Mataranka, Borroloola, Elliott, Tennant Creek and Larrimah. Larrimah Community profile contain geographically specific and where possible longitudinal data presented as charts and limited narrative. The data and charts for each indicator along with original source are included in the accompanying Excel spreadsheets, Appendix D - Indicators and Data of the Social, Cultural and Economic (SCE) studies of the Strategic Regional Environment and Baseline Assessment (SREBA) for the Beetaloo report,


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Table of contents

Baseline Report Executive Summary - 1. Introduction - 2. Background and Approach. - 3. Methods - 4. Baseline assessment key findings - 5. Strategic regional assessment - 6. SCE recommendations - 7. Regional monitoring framework - 8. Conclusion, Appendix A - Aboriginal Knowledge Protocol 1. Aboriginal Knowledge Protocol Guiding Principles for Action - 2. Preamble and purpose of the Protocol - 3. UQ alignments with national and international ethics standards in Indigenous research - 4. Definitions - 5. Aboriginal knowledge - 6. Sharable knowledge - 7. Guiding Principles - 8. Principle 1: Uphold commitments made in Scope of Works Study design, within Human Research Ethics Committee approval and to align the study with UQ's existing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research and Innovation Strategy - 9. Principle 2: Recognition that Aboriginal people own their knowledge and their intellectual property - 10. Principle 3: Respect for confidentiality of culturally sensitive Aboriginal knowledge/s - 11. Principle 4: Establish collaborative and respectful relationships with Aboriginal People in the Territory - 12. Principle 5: Respect for Aboriginal governance processes at the local and regional level - 13. Principle 6: Traditional ecological and/or cultural knowledge and Western science and are treated with equal value - 14. Principle 7: Support capacity building and empowerment - 15. Principle 8: Principles of free, prior, and informed consent (FPIC) are followed at all times - 16. Principle 9: Benefit sharing must be explained and valued - 17. Principle 10: The Expert Advisory Panel (EAP) will provide independent advice and oversight - 18. Record of consent of the Research Participant, Appendix B1 - Indicators in the Katherine Community 1. Introduction - 2. People and communities - 3. Local economies - 4. Infrastructure and services - 5. Survey Results and Interview, Appendix B2 Indicators in Mataranka Community 1. Introduction - 2. People and communities - 3. Local economies - 4. Infrastructure and services - 5. Survey Results and Interview, Appendix B3 Indicators in Borroloola Community 1. Introduction - 2. People and communities - 3. Local economies - 4. Infrastructure and services - 5. Survey Results and Interview, Appendix B4 - Indicators in Elliott Community 1. Introduction - 2. People and communities - 3. Local economies - 4. Infrastructure and services - 5. Survey Results and Interview, Appendix B5 Indicators in Tennant Creek Community 1. Introduction - 2. People and communities - 3. Local economies - 4. Infrastructure and services - 5. Survey Results and Interview - 6. References, Appendix B6 Indicator in Larrimah Community 1. Introduction - 2. People and communities - 3. Local economies - 4. Infrastructure and services, Appendix C - Cultural Practices in Water 1. Summary of Key Findings - 2. Introduction - 3. Cultural practises and values of water - 4. Approach / Methodology - 5. Results - 6. Discussion and Recommendation - 7. Regional monitoring framework - 8. References, Appendix D - Indicators and Data 1. Indicators and Data - 2. SREBA Social and Economic Survey - 3. SREBA Cultural Survey,




SREBA, Social, Society, Economy, Cultural, Beetaloo (N.T.),

Publisher name

The University of Queensland Centre Natural Gas Report,

Place of publication

St Lucia (Qld),


SREBA reports,


10 parts : colour illustrations and tables ; 30 cm,

File type





Attribution International 4.0 (CC BY 4.0),

Copyright owner

Northern Territory Government,



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