"This report provides an overview of the hydrogeology in the vicinity of the Flora River and the results from a groundwater hydrochemistry and isotope sampling campaign. During the dry seasons of 2021 and 2022, groundwater samples were collected from a transect of bores from the unconfined portion of the Tindall Limestone Aquifer that discharges to the Flora River. Bores were also sampled from the underlying Antrim Plateau Volcanics Formation. Samples were collected for (1) water quality parameters (major ions, pH, salinity, temperature), (2) stable isotopes of water, and (3) radioisotopes (including tritium, carbon-14, and chlorine-36). In total, groundwater was collected from nine bores. In addition to the nine sampled wells, 13 rainfall samples were obtained during the wet season 2021-2022 and were analysed for stable isotopes, with rainfall samples to also investigate chlorine-36 and tritium. Additional groundwater, rain, and spring
data from previous investigations were collated and utilised in the analyses.",
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Table of contents
Executive Summary - 1. Introduction - 2. Study area - 3. Methods - 4. Results and discussion - 5. Summary and conclusions - 6. Appendix 7. References,