The regional aquifers within the Western Davenport Water Control District (WCD) are an important groundwater resource for public water and horticultural supplies. In 2017 a numerical groundwater model of the Western Davenport Plains (WDP) was developed by Cloud GMS for the Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security (DEPWS), formerly Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), to help determine resource capacity and manage potential water extraction impacts.
The uncertainty analysis, discussed within this report, is another emerging area of the model development which analyses the confidence in predictions for a model.,
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Prepared for Dept Environment, Parks and Water Security by CloudGMS Pty Ltd.,
Groundwater model,
Publisher name
CloudGMS Pty Ltd,
Place of publication
Goodwood (S.A.),
Version 1,
Technical Report 26/2021,
10, 259 pages : colour maps and illustrations ; 30 cm,