Assessment of the water resources of the Ti Tree Water Control District including the Ti Tree palaeovalley aquifer and surrounding basement rocks, the Woodforde River and Allungra Creek non-perennial surface water resources.,
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Table of contents
1. Introduction -- 2. Study Area -- 2.1 Location -- 2.2 Climate -- 2.3 Climate variation -- 2.4 Vegetation -- 2.5 Topography -- 2.6 Geology -- 2.6.1 Palaeovalleys -- 2.6.2 Ti Tree Palaeovalley -- 2.6.3 Stratigraphy -- 2.7 Hydrogeology -- 2.7.1 Shallow aquifer -- 2.7.2 Deep aquifer -- 2.8 Surface water / groundwater connectivity -- 2.9 Recharge -- 2.10 Discharge -- 2.11 Groundwater flow system -- 3. Groundwater Model -- 4. Groundwater Assessment -- 4.1 Groundwater Monitoring Program -- 4.2 Groundwater use -- 4.3 Ti Tree groundwater balance -- 4.4 Groundwater levels in the Ti Tree aquifer -- 4.3.1. Modelled groundwater levels -- 4.3.2. Measured groundwater levels -- 4.3.3. Recharge from flood-out events -- 4.3.4. Modelled groundwater hydrographs -- 4.5 Groundwater quality -- 4.5.1 Groundwater Pollution -- 4.6 Summary of Recommendations for Groundwater Monitoring -- 4.7 Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems -- 5. Surface Water Assessment -- 5.1 Surface drainage system -- 5.2 Surface water monitoring program -- 5.3 Surface water flow in the Woodforde River -- 5.3.1 Baseflow in the Woodforde River -- 5.4 Surface water flow in Allungra Creek -- 5.4.1 Baseflow in Allungra Creek -- 5.5 Surface water quality -- 5.6 Recommendations for surface water monitoring -- 6. Risk Assessment -- 6.1 Risk assessment methodology -- 7. Discussion -- 8. Key Findings and Recommendations -- 8.1 Findings -- 8.2 Recommendations -- 9. Conclusion -- 10. References -- Appendix A: Rainfall - Silo -- Appendix B: Groundwater Hydrographs -- Appendix C: Modelled groundwater hydrographs -- Appendix D: Water quality for monitoring bores -- Appendix E: Borehole stratigraphic logs,
Groundwater Assessment,
Groundwater quality,
Ti Tree Water Allocation Plan,
Ti Tree palaeovalley aquifer,
Surface water assessment,
Risk assessment,
Groundwater Model,
Publisher name
Northern Territory Government,
Place of publication
Palmerston (NT),
201 pages : colour illustrations, graphs and maps ; 30 cm,